Pond Maintenance


We were approached about 10 years ago by the management of Salisbury Crematorium because for years they had a problem of algae blooms in their patio pond.  We cleaned the pond out holding the goldfish in a holding pool. We built an under-gravel filter which you can see being constructed and installed 2 high quality pumps. The filter was a bespoke design for that particular pond and was installed in the base of the pond and gravel was spread over it.

The under - gravel filter design is based on the old school fish tank filter. The water is sucked through the gravel by the pump, through the plastic tubes that have holes in them that sits under the gravel. The gravel acts as the biological filter media that holds the bacteria that cleans the water.   We recommend this type of filter for large ponds because once set up and running there is minimal maintenance and i can guarantee clear water on a long term basis. The pond now has crystal clear water all year around and Aquatics Management maintains the pond when necessary.


All throughout the year we receive requests to do a substantial clean of ponds.  This involves netting the fish out and holding them in a holding tank, pump all the water and sediment out from the pond and cut the plants back ready for new growth when the growing season starts again. We pump the water and sediment onto surrounding flower beds or under garden hedges.  The waste is very good for plants as it is rich in nitrates.  The water is added back to the pond and a de chlorinator is added to take the chlorine out of the tap water which is beneficial for the fish health and a filter boost additive is added to kick start the biological filter system again.  The fish are introduced back to the pond and i would recommend this to be done every few years. 

The far right picture shows a bespoke pond cover built to stop herons eating the fish in a pond and to stop ducks from eating the frogs spawn in the spring.  It is made of a wooden frame and stainless steel wire mesh 2 inch square and it wont rust.


We were commissioned to clean out this pond and set up this water feature that you can see in the pictures.  A pump was installed to run the feature with a flow rate adjuster built into the pipework. We provided the customer with 6 good sized lilly pad root systems in pond plant baskets for the pond and the following summer they did very well giving a good cover of lilly pads and beautiful lotus flowers.

Email : simonaqfish@gmail.com

Tel : 07751 840044